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Business Card Design: A Few Tips


Having thoughts of starting your own business in making and designing business cards? Here are few tips that could help you start.


Choosing the appropriate stock for your business cards


Putting your client's company name with type of cards printed on a lousy paper could possibly make them look that they are the type of company that can't be taken seriously. Choosing the right paper stock for an appropriate type of company could reflect the class and type of company you are designing the business card for. Investing a lot of effort in choosing the right business card is a wise choice.


Choosing an image


By simply imprinting an image on these business cards or placing the logo of the company makes the company more unforgettable. Nowadays a lot of people get to meet so many people especially on the business area making it easy for them to forget someone they met or someone who offered to have a business with them. Thus a logo or an image imprinted in the business card could be a huge help helping them remember the company through the image or logo in the business card.


Giving an impact to your name


Since the card that you will be giving will be the memento of your interaction with someone, making your name prominent or giving it a highlight on your business card will be the biggest factor for the person you recently encountered to remember and instill that name very quickly.


Choosing the channels for communication


If possible give all your contact information or the ways how the client can contact the company for further questions or for any meetings. Placing the cell number, email address, even the fax number if any would also come in handy. Placing all the ways how the clients could reach the company might it be a personal address or even the personal website isn't that bad if they want to be contacted by their clients in a way their clients are comfortable to.


Making a tag line


Just line in the movies or any television shows or the such, actors are sometimes remembered by their infamous tag lines or one-liners. It is the same with business industry. Making catch phrases or tag lines would make the business card full of life and not utterly dull. But keep in mind that you must avoid the company's name and stay with simple yet precise words and language.


Overall, simple yet catchy words but with concise information in the said business card is better. But keep in mind that the right type of paper with the right color could also make a difference. Get more tips from this site.

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